SARS Information «D¨å«¬ªÍª¢¹w¨¾
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Mask is found to be effective in preventing the spread of SARS. However, it also prevents us from breathing freely to obtain the oxygen we need. A more secure mask like N95 is said to be more protective but it is also easier for us to fall into the trap of breathing mostly the exhaled air (which is hot and contains too much CO2), causing "chronic suffocation" with symptoms like dizzy, fatigue and lack of concentration. In terms of TCM, we fall into the status of "lung chi deficiency" and "lung fire".
Therefore masks with different protection levels should be used when staying in areas with different levels of danger. In addition, we could consciously breath deeper and use nosal inhaler when feeling stuffy.
To breath deeper, we can practice Cat Exercise which is similar to abdomenal breathing or diaphragmatic breathing. Nosal Inhaler like VICKS can help our body to get rid of the "lung fire" without damaging our stomach.
VICKS Inhaler
We found the Vicks Inhaler is effective in releasing the trapped heat (·¼ö) in the lungs and hence is a good tool for the prevention of SARS for people with heat in their lung system. Please note:
-Use it as instructed on the cover of the inhaler
-Inhale after using the mask for long or feeling stuffy.
-We found no problem so far for inhaling for 10m each time but it may varies with different body state.
-As some of you asked about overdose, we prepared this for your peace of mind.
-If you find a bit cold or even a bit goose skin after inhaling for long, it means you have enough for the time being. Stop for an hour before inhaling again.
-Do not use it when going to sleep as you may overdose by inhaling it for a few hours while you are asleep.
-In case you inhaled for the whole night and feel uncomfortable, try to mix a cup of ginger-vinegar drink with:
3 slice of ginger ($5 coin size each) grind
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
1 cup of boiling water
1 teaspoon of white vinegar
怎樣才能夠"正气存內",增強我們的抵抗力呢? 首先要做到的就是"陰陽調和",換句話說,就是我們的身體要平衡,五臟六腑要平衡. 平衡是指不多不少,所以,不足的要補,過多的要瀉.哪一個臟腑不足,就補哪一個臟腑;哪一個臟腑過多,就瀉哪一個臟腑.
五臟六腑都是有關聯的,它們相生相克,相輔相成, 一環緊扣一環.
而且,目前市面上几乎所有的預防方法,針對的都是肺部的保健.但是,每一個人需要的都是補肺潤肺嗎?就如之前所說,"陰陽調和"講求的是五臟六腑的平衡,而不單單是指肺的平衡.比方說, 脾虛的人也是身體失了平衡,這個人的正气并不充盈,身體的抵抗力也并不夠強壯,染病的机會也相對提高,但是,這個人需要的是補脾,而不是補肺.我們的五臟六腑是相互關聯.相生相克的,脾胃強壯了,連帶肺的机能也能夠增強.
1. 穴位按摩保健:足三里,中脘,涌泉,
2. 晨起一杯生薑蜜糖水/生薑紅糖水
3. 每天散步30-60
1. 室內保持空气流通
2. 早睡覺,勿熬夜,不抽煙,不喝酒.
3. 晨起一杯蜜糖水, 或者阿膠(三錢)枸杞子炖冰糖一碗(生薑一片),或者燕窩一勺.
4. 深呼吸調适法:靜坐/站立,深長呼吸10-15